
Re-boundary 作為一種補償

浮島上的人們,過著和台北完全格格不入的生活,儘管他們也被稱作台北人. 城市的邊界對他們來說只不過是一到阻擋著惡水的混凝土牆. 水提擋住了水帶來的損失,但同時也擋住了我們擁抱自然的開放心胸. 事實上,住在河對岸的我們也早已用堤防包圍了自己,能容忍的極限僅僅只願意用著輕便的交通工具載著我們走上水提短暫的淺嚐實際上所身處的環境.

如果, 將一個短暫的生活片段建構在那邊界之上. 也許如一夜情般的短暫,但卻將身體與心靈完全的交予對方. 那麼我們能在那剎那的歡愉間意識到我們土地的形狀,這也算是我們對於土地冷漠態度的小小補償吧.

The people on the island live in a totally different way of life from Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, even though the island is the territory of Taipei. The island is surrender by riverbank for preventing the damage of flood and the boundary of city for the habitat is nothing more than a wall. Outside the wall, there is a beautiful scene where they can’t not enjoy. However, on the other side of river, we still use the concrete wall to protect us from the water. The only thing we access the water is ridding the bike on the riverbank and experience the atmosphere the environment temporarily.

If we can insert a fragment of life on the boundary, maybe we can totally enjoy the natural in that moment. Just like the one-night stand, two people devote their body and heart to others and they can enjoy the happiness in that period. Thus, I believe it is a compensation for our cold attitude to the environment we live.   
